

Title Description Start Date End Date File
Regarding the filling up of vacant posts in the sub-district hospitals and rural hospitals under the supervision of District Surgeon Raigad Alibag and Medical Officer of the Primary Health Centers under the District Health Officer by direct interview

Regarding the filling up of vacant posts in the sub-district hospitals and rural hospitals under the supervision of District Surgeon Raigad Alibag and Medical Officer of the Primary Health Centers under the District Health Officer by direct interview

07/11/2023 06/12/2023 View (752 KB)
Notice to be issued to the transferee and Transferor under sub-rule(3) of rule 5 of Maharashtra Land Revenue (Transfer of Occupancy by Tribals to non -Tribals) Rules,1975.

Notice to be issued to the transferee and Transferor under sub-rule(3) of rule 5 of Maharashtra Land Revenue (Transfer of Occupancy by Tribals to non -Tribals) Rules,1975.

06/11/2023 05/12/2023 View (4 MB)
Regarding publication of format waiting list of year २०२३-२४ of eligible heirs candidates of employees of Municipal Establishment under Compassionate Appointment Scheme

Regarding publication of format waiting list of year २०२३-२४ of eligible heirs candidates of employees of Municipal Establishment under Compassionate Appointment Scheme

02/11/2023 02/12/2023 View (693 KB)
Regarding the filling up of vacant posts in the sub-district hospitals and rural hospitals under the supervision of District Surgeon Raigad Alibag and Medical Officer of the Primary Health Centers under the District Health Officer, by direct interview.

Regarding the filling up of vacant posts in the sub-district hospitals and rural hospitals under the supervision of District Surgeon Raigad Alibag and Medical Officer of the Primary Health Centers under the District Health Officer, by direct interview.

01/12/2022 30/11/2023 View (700 KB)
Inviting Quotation for Inj. HBIG & Medicine Purchase under NVHCP Department NHM at DH Alibag

Inviting Quotation for Inj. HBIG & Medicine Purchase under NVHCP Department NHM at DH Alibag

23/11/2023 30/11/2023 View (516 KB)
Establishment of Intensive Poultry Group on Government Partnership Principle Beneficiary Selection List (Department of Animal Husbandry Alibag Raigad)

Establishment of Intensive Poultry Group on Government Partnership Principle Beneficiary Selection List (Department of Animal Husbandry Alibag Raigad)

29/11/2023 30/11/2023 View (550 KB)
Social Audit under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme On the panel on the basis of daily remuneration for the position of Sadhana Vayakati Regarding inviting applications from interested and eligible candidates for appointment- Advertisement

Social Audit under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme On the panel on the basis of daily remuneration for the position of Sadhana Vayakati Regarding inviting applications from interested and eligible candidates for appointment- Advertisement

27/10/2023 28/11/2023 View (643 KB) साधन व्यक्ती अर्जाचा नमुना._0001 (329 KB)
Grievance Redressal Authority under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme He was appointed by Dist. Raigad.

Grievance Redressal Authority under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme He was appointed by Dist. Raigad.

27/10/2023 28/11/2023 View (376 KB) रोहयो अंतर्गत तक्रार निवारण प्राधिकारी नियुक्ती_0001 (381 KB) केंद्रशासनाच्या मार्गदर्शक सूचना दि.28-8-2017 (4 MB) मार्गदर्शक सूचना 2 मार्च, 2019 (708 KB) Annexure – I Application format (171 KB)
Final Seniority List dated 01.01.2022 of Personal Assistants/ Stenographers (Higher Grade)/ Stenographers (Lower Grade) in Konkan Division

Final Seniority List dated 01.01.2022 of Personal Assistants/ Stenographers (Higher Grade)/ Stenographers (Lower Grade) in Konkan Division

21/11/2023 27/11/2023 View (4 MB)
District Annual Plan 2023-24 Raigad District Veterinary Number : Regarding modification in the schedule of opening of price lists received for purchase of dyes, chemicals and materials etc. for diagnosis in animals.

District Annual Plan 2023-24 Raigad District Veterinary Number : Regarding modification in the schedule of opening of price lists received for purchase of dyes, chemicals and materials etc. for diagnosis in animals.

22/11/2023 24/11/2023 View (490 KB)