

Title Description Start Date End Date File
Inviting Quotation for tea, coffee, breakfast, meals for NHM meeting/training at DH Alibag

Inviting Quotation for tea, coffee, breakfast, meals for NHM meeting/training at DH Alibag

01/08/2023 07/08/2023 View (825 KB)
Inviting Rate Quotation Notice for HAM Radio TRAINING.

Inviting Rate Quotation Notice for HAM Radio TRAINING.

28/07/2023 04/08/2023 View (420 KB)
Inviting Quotation 3rd Extension for Cleaning Service outsourcing under SNCU Department NHM at DH Alibag

Inviting Quotation 3rd Extension for Cleaning Service outsourcing under SNCU Department NHM at DH Alibag

19/07/2023 25/07/2023 View (2 MB)
Inviting quotation for purchase of Anti TB Drugs under NTEP Program at District TB Office Alibag.

Inviting quotation for purchase of Anti TB Drugs under NTEP Program at District TB Office Alibag.

13/07/2023 21/07/2023 View (454 KB)
District Artificial Insemination Center Pen, Distt. Regarding calling for transport rates for the supply of fluid and sand to the veterinary clinics in the district for the fixed price contract period for the year 2023-24 for the organization Raigad.

District Artificial Insemination Center Pen, Dist. Regarding calling for transport rates for the supply of fluid and sand to the veterinary clinics in the district for the fixed price contract period for the year 2023-24 for the organization Raigad.

05/07/2023 14/07/2023 View (5 MB)
Regarding the publication of the tender for the refreshments called for in the meetings held in the District Collector’s office

Regarding the publication of the tender for the refreshments called for in the meetings held in the District Collector’s office

23/06/2023 30/06/2023 View (497 KB)
Counselor and Laboratory Technician Vacancies in ICTC and ART Center under District Hospital on contract basis Regarding release of final selection list and waiting list for filling.

Counselor and Laboratory Technician Vacancies in ICTC and ART Center under District Hospital on contract basis Regarding release of final selection list and waiting list for filling.

17/06/2023 24/06/2023 View (708 KB) Lab Tech. Final & Wating List (512 KB)
To fill the vacancies of Counselor and Laboratory Technician in ICTC and ART enter under District Hospital on contract basis.Regarding release of list of eligible and Non-eligible candidates as well as schedule of written and oral examination for eligible candidates.

To fill the vacancies of Counselor and Laboratory Technician in ICTC and ART enter under District Hospital on contract basis.Regarding release of list of eligible and Non-eligible candidates as well as schedule of written and oral examination for eligible candidates.

10/06/2023 16/06/2023 View (4 MB) Counsellor Noneligible List (2 MB) Lab Tech. Eligible List & Call Letter (2 MB) Lab Tech. Noneligible List (1 MB)
E-Auction Notice for process of sand Auction of in Raigad District in various Creek-River Year 2023-2024.

E-Auction Notice for process of sand Auction of in Raigad District in various Creek-River Year 2023-2024.

07/06/2023 15/06/2023 View (1 MB) Sand Gats list (1 MB) TERMS (435 KB)
Inviting Quotation 2st Extention for Cleaning Service outsourcing under SNCU Department NHM at DH Alibag

Inviting Quotation 2st Extention for Cleaning Service outsourcing under SNCU Department NHM at DH Alibag

26/05/2023 01/06/2023 View (3 MB)