

Title Description Start Date End Date File
Regarding publication of format waiting list of year 2024-25 of eligible heirs candidates of employees of Municipal Establishment under Compassionate Appointment Scheme

Regarding publication of format waiting list of year 2024-25 of eligible heirs candidates of employees of Municipal Establishment under Compassionate Appointment Scheme

26/03/2025 03/04/2025 View (1 MB)
Regarding the filling of vancant posts in the Primary Health Centers/ Health Unit / Z. P. Hospital under the supervision of District Health Officer R.Z.P.Alibag by direct interview.

Regarding the filling of vancant posts in the Primary Health Centers/ Health Unit / Z. P. Hospital under the supervision of District Health Officer R.Z.P.Alibag by direct interview.

01/07/2024 30/06/2025 View (330 KB)
Regarding the filling up of vacant posts in the sub-district hospitals and rural hospitals under the supervision of the District Surgeon Raigad Alibag and Medical Officer of the Primary Health Centers under the District Health Officer by direct interview.

Regarding the filling up of vacant posts in the sub-district hospitals and rural hospitals under the supervision of the District Surgeon Raigad Alibag and Medical Officer of the Primary Health Centers under the District Health Officer by direct interview.

26/06/2024 25/06/2025 View (239 KB)