


                                                                   PRADHAN MANTRI KHANIJ KSHETRA KALYAN YOJANA (PMKKKY)

                                                                                                                 DISTRICT MINERAL FOUNDATION TRUST – RAIGAD

Preamble –
                  According to the provision of Section 9 (b) Sub-section 1 of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957, the State Government shall notify the establishment of a Mineral Development Foundation for the development of mineral affected areas for each district. According to the notification dated 01/9/2016 of the Government of Maharashtra , Department of Industry, Energy and Labor a District Mineral Foundation Trust Raigad has been established in Raigad District.
                 In order to maintain consensus for the development of the mineral affected area through the said District Mineral Foundation Trust Raigad and in such a program social development and basic needs are implemented through the District Mineral Foundation Trust Raigad under Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra Kalyan Yojana keeping in mind the population and the local needs of the affected area.
                The purpose of setting up the said establishment is to provide basic facilities and measures to reduce the impact of mining on the affected and indirectly affected areas and the health of the people working in the said mining area.

Objectives –
a) To implement various project programs for the development and welfare of mineral affected areas and the said program/project center/state government will be supportive and complementary to the existing programs and schemes.
b) To minimize the impact / impact on the environment, health and social and economic conditions of the people there due to mining and subsequent activities in the mineral district and to take measures thereon.
c) To provide long term sustainable means of livelihood to the people in the mining affected areas.

Scope –
The fund collected under the said District Mineral Foundation Trust is for the development and welfare of mine affected areas under the Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra Kalyan Yojana. According to the Guidelines given by the Government Resolution Dt. 01 September 2016 and Revised guidelines Dt. 21 November 2022 in Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra Kalyan Yojana the provision is been made to spend at least 2/3 of the total funds in direct mining affected areas and 1/3 of the funds in indirect mining affected areas for development work. Accordingly, the funds are structured as high priority items and other priority items for utilization.

High Priority Area
Here at least 60 % of the funds of the scheme will be spent on the following matters.
1. Drinking water supply
2. Environmental Conservation and Pollution Control Measures
3. Health
4. Education
5. Women and Child Welfare
6. Welfare Scheme for Senior Citizens and Persons with Disabilities.
7. Skill development
8. Sanitation

Other Priorities Area

At least 40% of the funds from the proposed scheme will be spent here.
1. Physical infrastructure
2. Water Resources
3. Energy and Watershed Development
4. Other measures to improve environmental quality in mining district.

According to the provisions of section 9 (b) of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act 2015 and Government Notification dated 01/09/2016, each district has established a mineral establishment and notified its rules and procedures. According to this, in order to collect 10% contribution/funds of self-funding on subordinate minerals by establishing the District Mineral Foundation Trust Raigad, a savings account has been opened in the name of the District Mineral Foundation Trust Raigad at State Bank of India, Branch Alibag, Dist. Raigad and its account no. is 37354613954